Payout Contracts

Payout contracts from different chains is listed here.

If you want to handle payouts directly from your project's smart contract then you can simply create an approval function in your smart contract that will grant approval for all your preferred tokens to be spent by our payout smart contracts.

Sample approval function :

address public DEX3_PAYOUT_CONTRACT; //Get the contract address from below tableaddress public EMERGENCY_ADDR;
uint MAX_UINT;

//_tokenAddr is the address of the token like USDT, USDC for which you want to grant approval.
function approveForDex3Payout(address _tokenAddr) external onlyOwner {
    IERC20(_tokenAddr).approve(DEX3_PAYOUT_CONTRACT, MAX_UINT);

Dex3 Payout Contracts :

ChainSmart Contract Address

Binance Smart Chain


Binance Smart Chain (Testnet)




Last updated