Create Signature
Signature generation and verification is mandatory to ensure the request being called is not tampered during the transit.
The signature generation process involves creating a unique cryptographic hash value based on payout parameters and your merchant private key to ensure data integrity and authenticity.
Generate signature when you are creating a new payout.
Construct String: Concatenate the necessary parameters into a single string before applying the hash function. The parameters typically include:
: The unique identifier for the order or transaction.merchant_public
: The public key of your merchant.amount
: The amount of the transaction.receiver_value
: The receiver value (address or email).merchant_private
: The private key of the merchant.
Apply Hash Function: Use a secure hashing algorithm such as SHA-256 to calculate the hash value of the before-hash string.
Pass the signature variable along with other parameters to the 'New Payment' endpoint.
Sample code in Javascript
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